Our wedding and honeymoon in Hawaii - We decided to go to Hawaii to get married. We wanted it to be a beautiful, simple wedding that we could pay for ourselves, and liked the idea of getting married on the beach, so that is what we did! We had a reception once we got back home to northern Virginia, so we could celebrate with our family and friends.
This is one of the many pictures of our wedding, which was on September 26, 2000. No, it is not a backdrop! It is the weather on the western shore of the Big Island of Hawaii pretty much every day.
The running joke is that this is a picture of my wife, with her husband on her arm! Should I resent that? Nah...The birds were pretty cool anyway. I don't remember this bird's name, but the bird's handlers had two of them. They like to make noise, eat, and leave droppings mostly. I guess some people are like that too.